With the really nice weather outside today, I decided to finally clean out my car. It was VERY messy after the winter. I frequently envision having a nice, clean car but in reality when carrying in the baby carrier, diaper bag, and purse, plus any extras like my work bag or groceries, there is the tendency for lots of odds and ends to get left in there for longer than I would like to admit. There was even some popcorn left on the floor in the back seat from a movie we had went to a month or so ago. I removed a grocery bag of trash, a grocery bag of pop cans/bottles, and a bag full of items that needed to be put away (a baby bottle, reusable coffee mug, book, etc.) from the car. I still need to vacuum it out, but since my husband ruined our shop vac sometime the end of last year, that will have to wait until I go somewhere I can get it done. I am hoping I will be able to keep it more clean now that I've got it all emptied out, but I know I have to figure out a good way to do that if I'm going to succeed.
What are your best tips for keeping your car clean?
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